SynopsisDowntown Owl, based on the novel by Chuck Klosterman, is a Reagan-era dark comedy set in the fictional town of Owl, North Dakota, in the days leading up to the region’s blizzard of the century. When Julia Rabia (Lily Rabe), a restless English teacher, moves to Owl from cosmopolitan Milwaukee, she throws herself into the lives of the locals. Despite being unsure whether she’s attempting to escape from home, or desperately trying to find it, Julia begins to let loose and forges friendships and romances that blur the lines between appropriate and totally messed up. From Horace (Ed Harris), a retired farmer with a secret, to Vance (Henry Golding) a depressed, bison farming Romeo, to Mitch (August Rosenstein), a lovelorn backup quarterback, Julia becomes part of a community that’s trying to invent its own happiness… even in the heart of a blizzard.
Rating : R (Some Drug Use|Sexual References|Language)
Genre : Comedy, Drama